Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Gummy Worms = Speed

What the hell? I have class early tomorrow, so I was trying to get to sleep for 1 at the latest. I ate one gummy worm around 12:30, and I'm flying high from the sugar at quarter to three. That sure ain't normal. I suspect that my confectionery annelids have been tampered with.

Halo 3 comes out in, what, 6 days? And Fallout 3 not for another year. Yet I'm so much more excited for the latter. Perhaps because I have no 360 within my reach? Perhaps.

Video game club met tonight- woohoo! College has been a greatly humbling experience for me, and I love it. Turns out, most of those things I thought I was good at? Mediocre, at best. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining: all the pressure's off, man. What that has to do with video games? I thought I was a gamer; the people I met tonight, 1000% freakier with respect to any and all games. I sure as hell didn't know any super-secret combos in SSBM, and I can't tell Street Fighter from Mortal Combat. I guess I'm not as big a freak as I thought.

The best part: Mr. Valedictorian, famous (not really) around Waterbury for having a brain; up here? Anywhere near top of the class is an impossibility. Even in physics, I'm definitely not the top guy anymore (freaky blue-haired kid has that one covered). There's a kid on my floor who taught himself multivariable calc while he was a sophomore in high school. No way in hell am I that dedicated. It's the middle of the road for me, for the first time in memory. I'm looking forward to it.

I guess I don't have any particularly special talents. Fine by me. Why'd I get involved in Bleach? It sure as hell wasn't because I'm an experienced producer, or even a halfway-decent actor. The best I had was a rudimentary knowledge of computers and an interest in web design just strong enough to get me to learn basic HTML. Nothing any normal person couldn't do, given a few hours and access to the internet. Yet it's probably my most significant contribution to anything to date, because it's something I actually give a damn about.

Who needs talent when you've got dedication?

The fact that I started being all subcutaneous (EDIT: I'm leaving that word in here, because it's just so hilariously wrong. I think I meant to say that I was being abstract. Nice one, Sheeks.) without even attempting to be funny signifies the detoxification of the deviant gummy worm. Time to go to sleep, so I can read this in the morning, make a stupid face, and erase it wondering what I was on.

I wish I had an alarm clock that wasn't a deaf-mute. If I had another alarm clock that was loud and retarded, they'd probably wind up as best friends, or gay lovers, or something. Name the book/movie. Hint: it's not Bleach.


Anonymous said...

Well, if gummy worms give you so much energy, why not try to eat some before a big game, and there you go, you'd be speeding round the diamond faster than your non-gummy worm eating team members. Problem b) is now solved.

Bleachman said...

Brilliant! So now that we know that energy translates into skill, I should remember always to take a shot of caffeine before performing brain surgery.

...You may have just doomed millions. Thank the Lord I'm not going pre-med.