Saturday, November 3, 2007


Someone sent us the following message on the Bleach myspace account:

"i thought that u might have all ready
knew me because i did jrink bleach.
it was one of step moms bleach actidences
so she tells people.and lol i don't wish for no one to ever
jrink bleach it hurts u and makes u not be able to breath.
oh i was 4years old when that happened.
to make a long story short i thought someone
was playing a joke on me . lol"

Freaked the hell out of me.

Which reminds me of another random note:
I recently gained access to a whole lot of movies I meant to see but never got around to. So I've been working by way down, mostly Tarantino at Alex's advising, and I have to say they're fantastic.

So, the point:
I rewatched "I, Robot" last night because it's one of my favorites (yes, I am indeed aware that it was most decidedly not a Tarantino film. Extra Credit assignment: what would it be like if it was?), and I never realized how creepy Sonny sounds through the entire thing. It gave me the jibblies.

"WHAT...AM I?!"

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