Friday, October 19, 2007


So, yes, third post in a night, but I can't help it. This memory was repressed until JUST NOW and I need to get it out, lest I explode.

So I was helping out at the Agents show on Tuesday night. The performers were warming up, so I was sitting just outside the theater, chatting it up with our campus newspaper's head photographer. All was going fine until two venerable men hobbled on past us.

We did not give the occurrence a second thought until one of the elderlies, deftly spying the camera in my companion's hand, thought it amusing to drop his pants and give us a full-throttle Old Man Moon. "Take a picture of this! he says, before hiking the pants up again and continuing on as though nothing had happened.

In terror, the photographer and I looked at each other, exchanged glances of mutual internal hemorrhaging, and fell mute for the longest time.

They wonder why I hate old people.

(In other news, I just now discovered that they have icons on the posting window for ordered and unordered lists. I'll still do it manually, but it won't seem as cool anymore.)

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